Update des Project Reality Servers auf Ver. 0.957b

Der Server Project Reality bekamm eine neues Update auf die Version 0.957b

damit wurden einige Fehler behoben die unter anderem auch den Server Abstürtzen lassen konnten oder für ein „Crash to Desktop“ (CtD) gesorgt haben.

– Removed HAT and LAT kit request for German Forces until client patch is released with permanent fix for CTD issue.
– Removed HAT and LAT kit request for Russian Forces only in Silent Eagle so it’s more fair.
– Updated AAS and Insurgency so the teams have twice the amount of tickets at round start.
– Attempted fix to UAV not being available in some maps (Asad Khal doesn’t have UAV).
– Fixed not being able to pick up Insurgent kits at Hamas main bases.
– Increased tickets rewarded to coalition when destroying a cache in Insurgency from 25 to 30 tickets.
– Removed some cleanup done at round end to see if it gets better results with servers and players crashing at round end.
– Updated chat block during map briefing so you can type one message every 5 seconds, or you get blocked for 5 seconds.
– Fixed bug with Russian MTLB Shturm gunner allowed to be one manned.
– Fixed both MEC and Russian MTLB Shturm gunners not having correct 30 seconds start delay.
– Added AAVP7 as kit request location for USMC.
– Added Puma IFV as kit request location for German Forces.
– Added Namer APC as kit request location for IDF.
– Added MTLB as kit request location for MEC and Russia (but not the AA or AT variants).
– Fixed Puma IFV variant with Spike AT missile launcher not having 30 seconds warm up time for the gunner.
– Fixed issue with German Tornado jet not being enterable.
– Updated MTLB Gopher AAV so it can be one manned, like the other AAVs.

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Eine Antwort zu Update des Project Reality Servers auf Ver. 0.957b

  1. iphone reparatur display müchen sagt:

    Das wurde auchmal zeit das die ein update bringen weil ich hatte oft mit „crash of desktop“ zu kämpfen.

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